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Centre for Land & Water Resource Management

Collaborative Institutions


Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Kumaun University, Nainital Uttarakhand

About the Centre

Centre for Land & Water Resource Management (CLWRM) is one of the four Thematic Centres of the Institute.
The Centre is involved in indepth research & studies pertaining to various land and water aspects such as Ground water, Surface water, Water quality, Water sustainibility, Hydrology, Land Use Land Cover (LULC) mapping etc.

Focal areas of activities

-   Land and soil management

-  Water sustainability

-  Glacier system and climate

-  Geo-hazard assessment.


-   To work on integrated management and sustainable use of goods and services in a watershed along with advancement of science-based solutions for conservation and access to resource.




Scientist D

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari

Designation:  Scientist D

Discipline: GIS and Remote Sensing of the Environment ; Computer Science Engineering ;

Email Id:




Er. Himanshu Joshi

Designation:  Scientist-C

Discipline: Agricultural & Civil Engineering ;

Email Id:


Senior Technical Officer (I)

Er. Om Prakash Arya

Designation:  Senior Technical Officer (I)

Discipline: Biochemical Engineering, Natural Product Chemistry, Bioseparation ;

Email Id:




Meenu Rani

Designation:  Consultant

Discipline: Natural & Water Resource Management, Ecosystem Monitoring, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Project Coordinator

Priyanka Lohani

Designation:  Project Coordinator

Discipline: Computer Science & Engineering, Eddy Covariance Data Monitoring & Analysis

Email Id:

Senior Project Fellow

Pooja Thathola

Designation:  Senior Project Fellow

Discipline: Microbiology

Email Id:

Senior Project Fellow

Dinesh Chandola

Designation:  Senior Project Fellow

Discipline: Environmental Engineering

Email Id:

Senior Project Fellow

Devendra Kumar Chauhan

Designation:  Senior Project Fellow

Discipline: Geology

Email Id:

Senior Project Fellow

Rajendra Rawat

Designation:  Senior Project Fellow

Discipline: Computer Science & Technology

Email Id:

Junior Project Fellow

Ankita Bhatt

Designation:  Junior Project Fellow

Discipline: Chemistry

Email Id:

GIS Assistant

Manoj Kumar Patley

Designation:  GIS Assistant

Discipline: Remote Sensing

Email Id:

Junior Project Fellow

Uma Joshi

Designation:  Junior Project Fellow

Discipline: Computer Science

Junior Project Fellow

Kunal Joshi

Designation:  Junior Project Fellow

Discipline: Geology

Email Id:

Junior Project Fellow

Shankar Datt Joshi

Designation:  Junior Project Fellow

Discipline: Chemistry

Email Id:

Field Assistant

Field Assistant

Lab Assistant


Sample Testing

Monograph Data

Monograph Data is provided as below:
Volume 1: Compendium of Meteorological Data 2012-2016
Volume 2: Compendium of Meteorological Data 2013-2016
Click here for details



Pine needle Based Wastewater Treatment System for Recycling of Domestic Waste Effluents

Investigation of rainfall vertical structure and rainfall induced erosive over a Garhwal Himalaya station using in-situ observation modeling

Spring shed management: A strategy for climate change adaptation inventory and revival of spring

Himalayan High Altitude Cold Laboratory for Glacial Hydrodynamics and Meteorological Study of GBPNIHESD

Rejuvenation the Kosi river of Kumaun Himalaya through field intervention and peoples participation”

Pine-Oak Ecosystem Interactions with Water-Climate-Chemistry

Spring Rejuvenation for water Security in Himalaya

Permafrost mapping and characterization of Laddakh region


Nutritional Status of Traditional foods of Uttarakhand utilized by Schedule Community

Removal of Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) from contaminated water using pine needle based Activated Carbon/Biological Activated Carbon.

Investigation of alternative atmospheric boundary layer scaling properties over complex terrains of Himalaya

Integrated System dynamical model to design and testing Alternative intervention strategies for Effective Remediation & Sustainable water Management for two selected river basins of Indian himalay

Ongoing Projects in CLWRM

Investigation of rainfall vertical structure and rainfall induced erosive over a Garhwal Himalaya station using in-situ observation modelling

Principal Invigilator   PI: Dr. S. Mukherjee

Duration    2019-2022

Funding Agency    ECR, SERB, DST, GoI


Result/ Outcomes

Pine-Oak system: Interactions with water-climate-plant biodiversity

Principal Invigilator   PI : Dr. S. Mukherjee CO PI : K. Chandra Sekar Er. V. Gosavi Dr. A.P. Dimri (JNU) Dr. S. Ghosh (IIT-Bombay) Dr. S. Sen (IIT-Roorkee) Dr. K. K. Osuri (NIT-Rourkela)

Duration    2019-2022

Funding Agency    NMHS, MoEFCC, GoI


Result/ Outcomes

Completed Projects in CLWRM

Investigation of alternative atmospheric boundary layer scaling properties over complex terrains of Himalaya

Principal Invigilator   PI: Dr. Sandipan Mukherjee ; Co-PI: Er. Kireet Kumar

Duration    2016-2019

Funding Agency    MoES, GoI


Result/ Outcomes

Integrated system dynamical model to design and testing alternative intervention strategies for effective remediation & sustainable water management for two selected river basins of Indian Himalaya

Principal Invigilator   PI: Dr. Shakil Romshoo (University of Kashmir) Co-PI: Dr. K. V. Ramesh (CSIR 4-PI) ; Dr. Sandipan Mukherjee

Duration   2015-2020

Funding Agency    NMHS, MoEFCC, GoI


Result/ Outcomes

Research Articles

Impact of terrain complexity on the turbulence drag coefficient: a case study from the Indian Himalayan region

Authors Priyanka Lohani, Sandipan Mukherjee

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 2021

Ecosystem-atmosphere carbon and water exchanges of subtropical evergreen and deciduous forests in India

Author Sandipan Mukherjee, Priyanka Lohani, Kireet Kumar

Forest Ecology and Management , 2021

Nonlinear recurrence quantification of the monsoon-season heavy rainy-days over northwest Himalaya for the baseline and future periods

Authors Sandipan Mukherjee

Science of The Total Environment , 2021

Impacts of terrain on convective surface layer turbulence over central Himalaya based on Monin–Obukhov similarity theory

Authors Sandipan Mukherjee, Priyanka Lohani, Ashutosh Tiwari

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2021

Assessment of New Alternative Scaling Properties of the Convective Boundary Layer: Application to Velocity and Temperature Spectra

Authors Sandipan Mukherjee, Priyanka Lohani, Kireet Kumar

Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2020

Projected changes in winter-season wet days over the Himalayan region during 2020–2099

Authors Sandipan Mukherjee, Vaibhav Gosavi

Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2021


Contact Us

Er. Mahendra Singh Lodhi Centre Head Centre for Land & Water Resource Management G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment
Kosi-Katarmal, Almora, Uttarakhand

(Code: +91-5962) 241015(O)
Thematic Centres Regional Centres